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Swindon Does ArtsSwindon Does Arts / News / Fri 4th Mar 2016 March is #lovetoWRITE and #lovetoREAD month!

March is #lovetoWRITE and #lovetoREAD month!

With March being the month of World Book Day (3 March) and World Poetry Day (21 March), Voluntary Arts’s #LoveTo campaign could not focus on anything else this month than reading and writing!

Following the success of #lovetoUPCYCLE January and #lovetoPAINT February, which saw creative people sharing their art and projects on social media, March will celebrate and share the love of reading and creative writing with two campaigns: automated lyrics and office book exchange. More details below.

Powered by Voluntary Arts, the #LoveTo campaign gives people a place to swap ideas and experiences, share in a nationwide project and celebrate ideas and successes throughout the year, focusing on different creative activities each month.

Tens of thousands of people have shared their creativity through this campaign over the last year. #Loveto is also supported by BBC Get Creative and the Spirit of 2012.

Using #lovetoWRITE and #lovetoREAD across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram showcase your creativity through photos, videos, blogs, quotes and links, and check out what everyone else is up to!

For more information visit http://www.voluntaryarts.org/2016/03/01/march-is-lovetowrite-and-lovetoread-month/

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Literature, Other